Friday, June 12, 2020

Brickbat: Dropping the Ball

By Charles Oliver - June 12, 2020 at 04:00AM

A 20-year-old man put in a nursing home as he was recovering from the coronavirus has been charged with assaulting his 75-year-old roommate in Michigan. Jadon Hayden had two bench warrants out for his arrest for misdemeanor assault at the time. But he wasn't picked up on them because the Washtenaw County sheriff's office says it is not enforcing bench warrants unless they are for felonies or violent crimes because of the coronavirus. Hayden is now facing multiple charges, including felony assault with intent to commit great bodily harm. His father says his son has mental health issues and was living in a group home where he assaulted two staff members. After the second assault, Hayden was transported to University of Michigan Hospital for an evaluation. The father says that at the hospital Hayden tested positive for the coronavirus and as a result was sent to the nursing home.

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